
This page contains general information about Campus Ministry at Xavier High School. We also maintain a Xavier SPIRIT Google Site with regularly updated information for parents and students who are currently enrolled.

- To share Jesus' love and the Gospel message of faith, hope, justice, and love
- To provide opportunities for members of the school community to deepen their understanding of and commitment to Jesus and His message
- To invite and encourage involvement in and celebration of the faith community through various forms and styles of worship
- To foster the personal and spiritual growth of each person
- To help individuals realize their significance in relationship to their school, family, Church, and the world community
- To call on and encourage members of the school community to share their gifts and to minister to others’ needs
- To raise awareness and encourage action regarding contemporary moral and social problems and to urge students and staff to work for justice and love
- To complement the general goals and objectives of the religion department and of the school
Prayer and Liturgy
- Monthly all-school Liturgies
- Weekly Mass offered before school
- First Friday Eucharistic Adoration
- All-school prayer services
- Reconciliation services - Advent & Lent
- Weekly Rosary offered at school
- All school prayer to begin and end the day, as well as at lunch
- Prayer incorporated into every class of the day
All students participate in Xavier Retreat Day each spring. There are a variety of one day retreats led by faculty members and other local Catholic leaders. The themes of the retreats vary each year but they all focus on building students’ relationships with Christ. Students are given the opportunity to select the retreat that best fits their individual spiritual needs.
Xavier also offers Kairos retreats for students interested in a powerful experience of growing in their faith at an even greater rate. Kairos retreats are overnight retreats led by faculty and other students. These retreats are held twice a year and students are invited to join the Kairos leadership team upon completion of their retreat experience.
Other optional specialty retreats are offered to students, including a silent retreat for young women and a Quest retreat for freshmen and sophomores.
- All School Retreat Day annually in the spring
- Students select a retreat that fits their spiritual need
- Retreat topics range from God in Art to silent retreat to serving God’s people
- Christian service requirement of 20 hours per year, including at least 20 hours of parish service by graduation
- Ethel Moehring "Help Your Neighbor Day" - school community day of service
- Summer and Spring Break service trips
- Service projects by athletic teams and clubs
- Students serve as retreat leaders for middle school retreats
- Spiritual leadership offered for athletic teams
- Participation in liturgy and prayer services
Health Teacher / Campus Ministry / XHS Softball Coach
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