There are many ways to make a gift to Xavier Catholic Schools. Read more about the Xavier Fund, the Xavier Catholic Schools Foundation, the Xavier Booster Club, Leaving a Legacy, or attend a Xavier Fundraising Event to decide which support option is right for you.

St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Federal ID number 75-2975177
101 E Northland Ave, Appleton WI 54911

Ways to Give
We are truly grateful to those who generously donate their time, talent, and treasure to Xavier Catholic Schools. Every contribution, whether toward the Xavier Fund, Xavier Foundation, Booster Club, or at a Xavier fundraising event, makes the Xavier experience even better for our students.
A gift of cash or check can be mailed to:
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Schools
Attn: Advancement Office
1600 W Prospect Ave
Appleton, WI 54914
A matching gift by your company increases your generosity to Xavier Catholic Schools by adding the matching amount to your gift at no additional expense to you. Contact your Human Resources Department and inquire about your company's matching employee donations policy. Please be sure to choose St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System as the recipient of your gift. All supporting documentation should be sent to the Advancement Office so your gift can be acknowledged.
You can benefit in two ways by making a gift of appreciated securities/common stock to Xavier Catholic Schools. First, you will be able to claim a charitable income tax deduction for the full value of the shares; and second, you will be able to avoid the capital gains tax that would have been due if you sold the shares. When making a gift of securities, it is important that you arrange for a transfer of your securities to Xavier Catholic Schools and not sell them yourself. Please contact Dave Romenesko, VP of Advancement, or call 920-735-9380 to help facilitate the transfer.
Planned Giving is an estate-planning tool that allows you to make a contribution to Xavier Catholic Schools that can provide substantial financial and tax advantages to you. Assets that can be used to make a Planned Gift include:
- Collectibles
- Life Insurance
- Mutual Funds
- Bank Accounts
- Bonds
- Stocks
- Real Estate
- IRA/401K Accounts
There are many methods that can be used to make a Planned Gift including wills, annuities and charitable remainder trusts. You should consult your estate planner or attorney for the method that allows you to maximize their benefits.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System will gladly accept your in kind donations. Donations of paper, printer ink or other types of school supplies are always appreciated. Please let us know if you have something you would like to donate.
The St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System Foundation currently manages over 90 funds that benefit St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System. Contributions may be made to the Foundation at any time to any of these funds. An endowed fund may be established in honor or memory of an individual. The most common type of endowed fund is a scholarship fund. With an investment of $10,000 or more, donors may establish a need-based scholarship fund that is used to support St. Francis Xavier Catholic School students through the FACTS scholarship program. An investment of $25,000 or more is needed to establish a more specific type of fund.
Thank you
The culture of giving at Xavier Catholic Schools is essential to ensure that our mission is upheld and that we can continue our tradition of academic excellence. Tuition dollars alone do not cover the cost of a Xavier education. Giving matters. Your gift, no matter the amount, makes a difference and shows current students that you believe in them.
Director of Alumni Relations & Events
VP of Advancement
New to Xavier in January 2024, Dave served as Director of Development at Life Promotion...
Advancement Operations Coordinator
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