Sports by Campus

Xavier Elementary School
There are no formal athletic opportunities for elementary students. Xavier Elementary students participate in organized athletic programs through the Appleton Park & Recreation and the area YMCAs. Both organizations work hard to organize teams by elementary school.
Please be sure to reference your child's school as Xavier Elementary, Marquette St. or Xavier Elementary, McDonald St. on your athletic registration materials to ensure your child is grouped by school.
- Appleton Park & Rec
- YMCA Fox Cities
- XYBA (Xavier Youth Basketball Association)
- Fox Valley Saints Wrestling at Xavier Middle School (K-4)
Xavier Middle School
St. Francis Xavier Middle School has a vested interest in making every effort to provide a positive sports experience for our students and their families. The school believes that participation in sports can be crucial to teaching students about sportsmanship, discipline, honesty and teamwork in a faith-centered environment. We believe that participation in school-sponsored activities enhances the middle school experience for our students especially in forming friendships among classmates that may be impossible except in the athletic arena.
Fall Sports
- Cross Country - Girls & Boys - 5th - 8th
- Football (Tackle) - Fox Valley Saints - 6th - 8th
- Soccer - Co-Ed - 7th - 8th
- Volleyball - Girls - 5th - 8th
Winter Sports
- Basketball - Girls & Boys - 5th - 8th
- Wrestling - Fox Valley Saints - Girls & Boys - 5th - 8th
Spring Sports
- Softball - Girls - 5th - 8th
- Tennis - Girls & Boys - 5th - 8th
- Track & Field - Girls & Boys - 5th - 8th
We are thankful for our XMS volunteer coaches! Middle school coaches provide guidance and instruction to their athletes while promoting sportsmanship, teamwork, and healthy competition. Our coaches motivate, teach, coach, and act as role models for our students. They demonstrate good sportsmanship, leadership, and dedication.
For any sport in which your child participates, a SportsGait concession test is required. The test is an annual requirement. Tests are offered prior to each sport season and are scheduled through your child's coach.
PE Teacher
Xavier High School
Our student athletes are recognized as outstanding leaders within the Fox Valley. At XHS, academics and athletics go hand-in-hand. Our student-athletes are provided the opportunity to be successful today and in the future. They graduate with lifelong friendships and a stronger character.
We welcome our community to be a part of our athletic traditions. Whether a parent, a fan, a teacher, alumni, or student-athlete, we hope you will support the Xavier High School athletic programs.
Visit the WIAA Bay Conference Calendar to access the XHS athletics schedules.
Fall Sports
- Football (*Football Program*)
- Girls Volleyball
- Girls Golf
- Boys Soccer
- Girls Tennis
- Boys & Girls Cross Country
Winter Sports
- Boys & Girls Basketball
- Boys & Girls Hockey
- Wrestling
- Dance
- Boys & Girls Bowling
- Powerlifting
Spring Sports
- Boys & Girls Track & Field
- Baseball
- Softball
- Girls Soccer
- Boys Tennis
- Boys Golf
- Boys & Girls Lacrosse
If your son/daughter is planning on participating in any sport (including powerlifting) at Xavier High School in 2024-25, a parent and the athlete must complete the 2024-25 Athletic Video and eligibility forms.
Athletic eligibility paperwork will be completed online this year, with the exception of the doctor's physical examination form. In June, emails will go out to all student athletes' parents with a link to the online eligibility forms and the athletic video.
The deadline for those participating in fall sports is July 31, 2024 and those participating in winter or spring sports have a Sept 9, 2024 deadline.
There is a new process for paperwork this year, as we've gone digital. The first part of the process is the Xavier Athletic Code Video. Luke Herriges, our athletic director, covers many of the high points of the athletic code. You must watch this video before proceeding on to the electronic forms.
Click on the Assigned Video at (Video Link)
The video should be watched on a computer. There are questions that must be answered alongside the video, so a computer is best. If you absolutely need to complete the video on a mobile device, you'll be prompted to install the EdPuzzle mobile app. *The video is 25 minutes, so please watch it when you have time to get all the way through it.
If you have two or more highschool athletes, you only need to watch the video once. Please enter all your children's names at the start of the video. The athletic paperwork does have to be completed once for each athlete.
You'll be provided a couple of links near the end of the video for the electronic forms and Sportgait test scheduling. It's important to copy/click those links, so that you can complete the electronic forms and schedule your Sportgait test. No worries if you miss the links. We'll be following up with families that complete the video portion each week and providing the links.
The Sportgait test is required annually, so even if your athlete(s) had one last year, a new one is required.
For those that are unsure of the physical date we have on file, please feel free to email the Athletic Director, Luke Herriges at and he will provide that information.
Information you will need before getting started with the paperwork:
- Last physical date
- Insurance coverage information (company, member id)
- Primary medical clinic name and phone number
- Primary dental clinic name and phone number
- Preferred hospital name and phone number
Thank you for your time and attention to this important piece of athletic eligibility!
Download the required athletic forms below:
TRAVEL FORM: For any away games, your student-athlete must have the Travel Consent Form completed and approved by the Athletic Director one day prior to the athletic contest.
XHS Athletic Director / Varsity Volleyball Head Coach
Luke earned his Master's in Coaching and Athletic Administration from Concordia Uni...
XHS Assistant Athletic Director
XHS Athletics Administrative Assistant / JV1 Volleyball Coach
Licensed Athletic Trainer
Physical Education Teacher / Strength & Conditioning Coordinator
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