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Dress Code

Xavier High School, as a private educational institution, reserves the right to determine and insist upon a norm of appearance for its students. The goal of the dress code is to promote the virtues of modesty and self-respect, as well as to create an atmosphere that is appropriate to the serious task of educating young people.

If a dress code violation cannot be immediately corrected, the parents will be notified and the student will either be sent home to change or will wait in the office for appropriate clothing to be delivered. The student will serve detentions for any time missed.

Since styles of clothing and hair change rapidly, the administration reserves the right to restrict fashions that are inappropriate as well as interpret what is considered to be in poor taste or distracting to the learning environment.

General guidelines:

Shirts: The following shirts / tops are acceptable:

  • Any dress shirt (button down, polo, V neck, round neck)
  • Any sweater, fleece or jacket. Sweatshirts with no writing or logos may also be worn (a small logo is allowed)
  • Professionally made Xavier t-shirts and sweatshirts

ALL shirts and tops must follow these two guidelines:

  • No writing or graphics except Xavier apparel. Logos smaller than 2 inches by 2 inches are allowed.
  • All collars must be modest, with a neckline at approximately the collarbone. Tops with wide collars must have a crew neck shirt underneath.

Pants: All students will wear solid color or patterned dress pants, worn at the waist, with a finished/hemmed bottom that is worn below the ankle. ALL pants MUST have zippers at the waist.  Pants not allowed include: elastic/stretch/tight-fitting leggings, sweatpants, denim, flannel, or pajama pants.

Footwear: Footwear that covers the toes must be worn at all times. Sandals are not allowed.

Hair: Hair must be clean, neatly combed, out of the eyes, and of reasonable style and natural shade. Sideburns must not be below the bottom of the ear. Males may not wear headbands or any other device in their hair. Males must be clean-shaven.

Jewelry: Body piercing, other than the ear, is not allowed. Males may wear one earring in each ear. One nose piercing is allowed, but it must be a small stud (hoops and other designs are not allowed).

Out of Uniform Days: Occasionally there may be out of uniform days. Expectations on those days still include a tidy, modest appearance. Appropriate shirts with sleeves must be worn. Yoga pants and leggings are not allowed.

Banned: Visible tattoos, torn/frayed clothing, hats, caps, bandanas, head scarves. Clothing with inappropriate messages that include words or symbols about alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or sex as well as any other messages that are not in agreement with Catholic teachings are not permitted at school or any school-sponsored event.

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