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Clubs & Activities

After Words

"After Words" involves students who like to enter writing contests. Listen to the announcements and watch the newsletter for more information.  Contact Ms. Bouchard for more information.

Art Club

Art Club is an after school opportunity for all XMS students to advance their artistic skills. Art Club will meet after school in early February. Contact Ms. Gosia for more information.


XMS has a vested interest in making every effort to provide a positive sports experience for our students and their families.  We believe that participation in school-sponsored activities enhances the middle school experience for our students especially in forming friendships among classmates that my be impossible except in the athletic arena. Contact Ms. Muñoz for more information.  Visit the Sports by Campus page for more information. 

Campus Ministry Club 

Campus Ministry provides opportunities for students in grades 5-8 to grow in their faith. Meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of the month with service and prayer events held at various days and times. Students are welcome to join any of our events at any time throughout the year. Contact Contact Mrs. Benthein or Mrs. Krull for more information. 

Drama Club

Do you love the challenge of bringing a story to life? Drama Club is an opportunity for students to collaborate with others in the area of performance. Students plan, rehearse, and eventually perform skits or a show. This club begins in January. Contact Mrs. Stahman or Mrs. Hensley for more information.

Environmental Club

This club was created by students who have a passion for helping our Earth. Students look for ways to educate our student body and plan activities around our environment. If interested, join these stewards of the Earth! Contact Mrs. Meyer for more information.

Gamers Club

The Game Club is for kids who want to get together with their friends to play classic video games! Contests and prizes will be part of the fun. Contact Mr. Killoren for more information.

Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir is an extracurricular bell ensemble open to Xavier students in grades 5-8. Rehearsals will be during flex in the choir room.  Contact Ms. Dodd for more information.

Inside Out Café

Inside Out Café is an opportunity to savor words, written or spoken.  This weekly event is held to encourage students to write creatively in their free time. Inside Out Café meets after school on Thursdays in September through May.  Contact Ms. Bouchard for more information.

Jazz Band

Jazz Band is an ensemble open to 6th and 7th graders and meets Tuesdays and Thursdays before school. Elements of study center on the variety of styles in American jazz music and performance of jazz through style-appropriate improvisation. Jazz Band rehearsals begin in February. Contact Mrs. Ninnemann for more information.

Math Club

The Math Club is for any student in grades 5-8 who is interested in problem solving. Math Club is a great opportunity to bring out academic talents as well as enhance math skills. This club meets bi-weekly after school during the fall and winter months beginning in November and running through March. Contact Mrs. Gear or Mr. McKinnon for more information.

Newspaper Club

Newspaper Club provides the opportunity for students to develop their speaking, listening, and writing skills. Students work together to interview sources, conduct research for stories, and to produce the school newspaper. The club meets weekly on Mondays after school. Contact Mrs. Much for more information.

Ski Club

Ski Club, which is run by parent volunteers, is open to all students who enjoy skiing or snowboarding. Club members travel by bus on non-school days to various ski hills in Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Sign up begins in December or January.  Contact Xavier Middle School for more information.

Spelling Club

Spelling Club meets weekly after school beginning in January. We strive to prepare for the Middle School Bee to be held during Catholic Schools Week and the Regional Bee, which is held in early February. Contact Ms. Bouchard for more information.

Student Council

The purpose of XMS Student Council is to lead our student population in developing their leadership and teamwork skills; provide global outreach; and increase their understanding and awareness of school community through projects and activities. Student Council is open to all students in grades 5-8. Meetings are held after school for 45 minutes on Wednesdays. Members join in September and meet through May. Contact Mr. VanNuland for more information.

VEX Robotics

In the VEX Robotics Competition, teams of students are tasked with designing and building a robot to play against other teams from around the world in a game-based engineering challenge. This group is open to all students in grades 5-8, with meetings held after school beginning in October. Tournaments are held year-round at the regional, state, and national levels.  Contact Mrs. Kroner or Mr. McKinnon for more information.


W.E.B., (Where Everybody Belongs), is a program that guides 5th graders to academic and social success by reducing the initial challenges of entering middle school. W.E.B. creates an environment where 5th graders feel cared for, supported and connected. W.E.B crew is open to 8th graders who apply in the spring of 7th grade to be leaders for the next school year.  Contact Mrs. Case, or Miss Hensley for more information.

Yearbook Club

Yearbook Club is open to students in grades 5-8. The club will run in February and March.  Students in this club will help create the yearbook for our school. Contact Mrs. Kiepert for more information.

Upcoming Events

October 22

XMS Mass

9:26 AM - 10:19 AM

October 23

XMS - SSR - WEB Activity

All Day Event

October 24

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